Perfume, Cologne & Cosmetics POS
There has not been another moment in history when consumers have had the choice of cosmetics & perfume that they do today. The options are seemingly endless and can range from huge e-com outlets to small quaint boutiques. True success in the cosmetics & Perfume industry hinges on setting yourself apart from the competition. Aramda Retail POS offers a wide range of tools to assist your cosmetics business in attaining that success. All of our services are bundled to stay relevant to the needs of our business. ARP takes great pride in being the point of sale and inventory management partner of so many amazing businesses.
The Armada Retail POS, Cosmetics & Perfume POS Solution Includes:
Kits can easily be assembled to combine inventory in a single package. Each kit is deducted from inventory by two means; as a SKU and also a deduction per item from the inventory.
Freebies reminder, given when purchasing certain products in order to maintain the correct inventory.
Matching products can be recommended to increase sales at the POS.
The ability to create favorite items for commonly purchased products which make the checkout process even faster at the POS.
A three-dimensional matrix allowing you to add and attach each item to a specific group, subgroup and tertiary group; by size, color and many other cosmetics related classifications. In addition, attributes such as material and shape can be defined as well.
Ability to search each item by vendor, color, application, or configuration for tagless items.
A variety of coupon types, ranging from: percent, to amount off, receipt totals, groups, and much more. Add into that, our easy to use, auto-discount system and promotions are always easy to use.
Items can be transferred from one location to another. If an item does not exist in one location but does in another, the POS will find that location immediately. The customer can then be offered the choice of either having the item transferred to a store close to them or the item can be placed on hold until the customer goes and picks it up.
CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) for customer information, keep track of previous purchases, email blasts, printing shopping habit coupons, gift cards, and loyalty points/cards acquired and used.
Red level, seasonal planning that gives you recommendations for new orders. In addition, tracks existing inventory and provides recommendations for sales VS storage.
Time and Attendance: commission and allowance are tracked.